About Halfway There, How’s Your Summer Going?

July is here, and with it, roughly the halfway point of summer break for Hardin-Simmons University students. While the fall and spring semesters have the constant buzz of classes and clubs, summer break can have its own host of trials and triumphs to juggle. As we head into the last half before fall 2024, we have to ask, how is your summer going?
For some of you, I imagine you are relaxing at home or traveling with your parents and friends. On the other end of the spectrum, many of you are likely working to the bone during the break. Now, you have no restrictions on hours, and the time has come to rake in as much money as possible before you head back to school. Some of you may even still be taking classes over the summer! Stay safe and healthy, and keep yourself in mind while working. Some days, you might wonder why you work so hard, but it’ll all be worth it.
I am having a fair mix of a summer. From working several jobs to staying connected with my professors on campus, I’m focused on fulfilling my career goals even during the break. It can be a lot at times, but the finish line is ahead and closing in fast. At the same time, I’ve taken a few breaks here and there. I enjoyed a hobby for a week and used that time to unwind and reload. When you put your mind to it, there can be a healthy balance of working and de-stressing.
Regardless of how your break has been, let us know through our social media platforms how your summer is going.